• Rosemary Smith

    Social Media Consultant - I assist businesses with their online presence and marketing efforts through the use of social media and other web based avenues.

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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Social Networks Asked To Hand Over Terrorists' Data

Online Privacy Discussion Causes More Controversy

The terrorist group ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) have been known to spread their message and ideals through social media. Social media, in this case, has been used to the full extent from tweeting and posting propaganda videos on YouTube to using social media networks to recruit new followers. Facebook, Twitter and Google have been quick to react and most of the terrorists' content is removed and their profiles deleted. However, the UK government feel that they are not doing enough, as images like the one below are still filtering through.
ISIS social media campaign
source: chainsoff.wordpress.com
On Sunday, representatives of various social media networks will be invited to Downing Street where they will be asked by the UK government to hand over all data relating to ISIS terrorists accounts on their websites. This includes IP addresses, usernames, emails and names. These websites already remove the bulk of the inflammatory and illegal content posted by extremists but only hand over the information relating to the accounts when specifically asked by the police. The UK government now want the social media giants to hand over this data automatically, about the content they chose to remove from their website.

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube will also be asked to take down all extremist material relating to ISIS. This crackdown does not only include illegal content such as bomb making or extremely violent videos but also propaganda videos used to recruit Muslims all around the world.While social media networks always do their best to take down all illegal material, they previously chose to leave the less inflammatory content up. This not only informs the general population what ISIS's message actually is but also enables us to criticize it and come up with a way to counteract it.

Is it really beneficial to us to remove all content provided by ISIS? I do think to some extent that it is healthy to be able to see for yourself two sides of the story. Of course, all illegal, explicitly violent content should be removed without question, but what about the other videos or tweets that do not necessarily incite violence? If it is possible to remove it all, how can we form an opinion? All our information would be second-hand, provided by the media that love to only tell one story. In this case, the government are worried that any propaganda could be used to recruit British Muslims.
facebook twitter social media apps
source: belfasttelegraph.co.uk
Facebook and Twitter are understandably reluctant to comply to all these demands, fearing that their reputation will be on the line, or that they will be named 'police informants'. Furthermore, the UK government seems to be ignoring freedom of speech in the name of fighting terrorism.While in ISIS's case, the UK government's position is easy to understand, as having access to all this data could lead to arrests in England, we should take a step back. What if any government were to ask the same thing of Facebook and Twitter but not to fight terrorism but to get rid of content that explicitly criticizes that said government? To get information on all and any dissidents? Would that still be acceptable?

Friday, October 24, 2014

Waterstones Under The Bridge

Occasionally, internet dwellers remind us that social media is more than just a tool to allow desperate trolls their fifteen tweets of infamy. Sometimes, we get lucky enough to hear about something that makes us smile - instead of just leaving us shaking our respective heads about the future of mankind. Today, I'm pleased to report on the internet's latest tale of feel-goodery, and it comes from the most unlikely of sources: an empty Waterstones store in central London. Or, at least, a central London Waterstones that should have been empty.

Just after nine last Thursday, David Willis, a Dallas, Texas resident holidaying in England’s capital, walked downstairs in the Waterstones store in which he was watching an author write a book (or whatever reason people still go to bookstores now we have the internet). But instead of the welcome site of an open door leading to a grim London night-time street, he was greeted with this:
twitter social media waterstones closed door trapped
source: dailymail.co.uk

Unbeknownst to Willis, store workers had assumed the place was empty and shut up shop for the night, leaving him trapped. So he did what anyone in his situation with a device capable of calling the police would do: he turned to Twitter for help.
His initial tweet, which was to Waterstones' social media team, adorably ended with "Please let me out". This first contact has since received 12k retweets and over 8k favourites, and I like to think that after he'd sent it he sat cross-legged on the floor, stared at the door and patted himself on the back for a job well done. When all you have is 3G and a smartphone, what else can you do?

Due to Willis making the tweet public, it quickly gained traction. Soon, thousands were following his tale of woe, (im)patiently waiting for updates.

But it didn't all go to plan. Willis was unaware that a few hours earlier, Waterstones’ social media team had tweeted their last message of the day. They were now safely tucked up in their beds, and weren't set to return until 9am the next morning. Cue mass panic, and thousands of Twitter users campaigning to free Willis. No-one knew if Waterstones' social media marketing team would ever see his plea, or if they'd care enough to help (it was past 5:30; it wasn't their problem anymore). Would Willis be freed before he was forced to eat his own thumbs?

Two hours later, Waterstones’ Twitter account finally announced Willis' rescue. Cue sighs of relief, retweets of satisfaction and a confirmation tweet from the man himself, which has been shared by thousands.
Waterstones official tweet rescue texas
source: dailymail.co.uk
The story shows the ability of social media to capture the public’s imagination in ways that simply weren’t possible before. In the space of a few short hours, an unknown tourist became a household name (at least to the Twitter-literate). It also goes to show that, for the most part, people like seeing the internet used as a tool for good. Although he was far from a celebrity or a person of interest, social media gave Willis’ plight tonnes of exposure, and Twitter's users did all they could to help grab Waterstones’ attention. Dozens even contacted the police to try and help.

While he would have eventually made it out without the help of the internet, Mr. Willis’ story would never have become such a public talking point without the communal atmosphere of Twitter. From Waterstones’ perspective, it’s also a good example of how to turn public attention into great marketing. By dealing with the situation in the way they did, and sorting it in such a good-humoured way, Waterstones used social media to hugely improve their public perception without spending a penny.

Not bad, considering they weren't meant to come back online until 9am the next day.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Secret Social Media Strategy Used By 7 Figure Earners

Article by Edward Liew
I do not usually talk about social media as I am not an expert in this niche. However, I learnt something very valuable recently during a mastermind session with fellow internet marketers. I was told that this strategy is what all the 6 to 7 figure income earners are using on their social media platform.
By using this strategy, I hope you will reap higher success in your social media. So, what is this secret strategy?

"Talk About Yourself"

Well, you may have heard that the way to build a following on social networks, for example, Twitter, is to promote other people's work. People don't want to hear you talk about yourself all the time, right?
This advice is well-meaning and sounds good on the surface. But, it's also wrong.

Promoting other people's work and sharing links to interesting articles is fine, but do not expect that merely doing that will help you gain followers or attention. People follow you (or your business) because that's what they are interested in - You.

For example, I follow "Mr X" tweets and posts because I am interested in what he has to say. If he spent all his time talking about other people and mentioning his other fans, I would not as interested.
What should you talk about online? It's simple: Talk about yourself and your business. Really. If people do not like what you do or say, they can unfollow you, but chances are that you will gain far more followers than you lose.

Finally, remember that online social networks are merely reflections of what is happening elsewhere. Want more Twitter followers? Then do something interesting... away from Twitter.

In other words, what you do offline can affect your online success in social media. Share with your fans on your life and your business. Tell them more about yourself and your family. We are, after all, humans and humans like connections.

Connect with your fans on a superficial level and you will reap superficial results. Connect them to your heart and your results will blow your mind away!

Beside Twitter, the other popular social networks platform used by the high income earners, include Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Facebook and Instagram allow photo to be posted. YouTube allow videos to be uploaded. But if you are an introvert and is shy about letting the world see you, you can skip YouTube for now.

by Edward Liew

Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Secret-Social-Media-Strategy-Used-By-7-Figure-Earners&id=8726435

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

5 Ways to Win With Social Media

Make Social Media Work For You

Let's face it, if a marketing tactic doesn't serve to somehow influence sales, then the time and money invested in it is down the drain. Social media can drive sales, but it's easy to make mistakes and waste your time.

Here are five examples of those who succeeded:

Social Media Examiner: Michael Stelzner kept going after his vision of an online magazine devoted to social media, even after friends and business partners told him the Web did not need another social media blog. He got the website ready, then took a video crew to a couple of major events where he had access to some of the biggest names in social media. He then broadcast those videos on the website and backed them up with several articles each week. Now it is recognized as the best social media magazine in the world. “All we did was rely on social media to grow this,” Stelzner said.

Lesson: Don’t worry if everyone says you can’t when you know you can.

On Track Tips: Just a couple of years ago, Jason Wiser was struggling to get his company off the ground and figure out who his ideal customer was. Today, he is one of the most-followed and trusted small businesses on Google+. He also maintains a strong Twitter presence, a well-trafficked blog, YouTube presence, and hosts a podcast. Jason’s big leverage point:Repurposing content. He uses Google Hangouts On Air (HOA) to interview rock star gurus like Guy Kawasaki and Chris Brogan. Jason and his team then turn each HOA into a YouTube, a podcast, and a blog article. No one delivers more value or gets more out of each tactic than Jason Wiser. His next project: A general contracting site for getting online.

Lesson: Get the most use of out every piece of content you produce.

Culinary Connection: How does a startup school with no building and no teachers get started? Taking their unique idea to train chefs by placing them in the kitchen with those already excelling at the culinary arts, Culinary Connection visited top restaurants in the USA, then parlayed those visits into partnerships and testimonials. From there, word of mouth via social media — primarily Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest — led to a mention on the Larry King Live show. Once potential clients see the wisdom of a the programme, the sale is almost a given. It’s getting the word out that is important, and social media, coupled with regular articles on their own blog, drives the message.  

Lesson: Great ideas need to be announced – social media can help you do that.

 Source: theconversation.com

StuKent: When Stuart Draper attended college, there was just one class in Internet marketing. Five years after graduation, that scenario hadn't changed much. That prompted Draper to create his own coursework and offer it to colleges as an online option. Stuart relied primarily on Twitter and Twitter Chats to begin getting the word out and build buzz. He then personally called department heads around the nation to get their buy-ins for the course. StuKent is changing marketing education at the collegiate level.

 Lesson: Develop a plan for your social media work — always have a goal in mind.

Debbie White Agency: After setting sales records for Fortune 500 companies, White took her brand of low-pressure, high-results sales to clients on the speaking seminar circuit. After teaching some of the most influential speakers in the world how to sell, she began focusing her efforts on directly helping professionals and executives realize that everyone, even lawyers and bankers, is in sales. Debbie had little luck with Facebook, but found her best place for client mining to be LinkedIn.

Lesson: Use the social media sites and tools that best fit for YOUR audience.

The wise use of social media can propel your company to success. You should avoid fake accounts, pseudonyms, and any deceptive practices. Using your real name can open you up to online pirates, so be sure to take steps to protect your name and brand. Never, ever slander another company to make yours look good. Play fair and let the world know what you have to offer.

Written by TeamSMF
Source: http://www.socialmediafrontiers.com/2014/10/5-ways-to-win-with-social-media.html#more

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Facebook Fans - Why Quality Is More Important Than Quantity

Are you investing time and energy in growing your fan base on Facebook? Why? It's probably because you are hoping to increase the traffic to your website or the sales of your product or service. Right?

Well, there are many different ways to use Facebook to build your business, and page fans play a big role in the process. But it's important to note that having a huge number of fans on Facebook doesn't necessarily mean you are on the road to success. Because when it comes to fan, it's the quality of tightly focused fans rather than the overall quantity of fans that matters.

Think about it this way: any business can easily get as many fans as it wants by running ads or encouraging people to opt-in using a giveaway, contest, or other "ethical" bribe. But if you want to actually realize notable conversions from fans to customers, well you really have to get in the mindset of valuing active, engaged fans over having 10,000 fans who aren't really participating in the conversation or engaging with you, with your other fans, or with your content.

 What's important here is that if we can get engaging fans or active fans to your fan page, the there's a much higher potential of converting those fans into potential sales. And that's ultimately why your business is on Facebook in the first place.

 So the focus needs to be on quality fans who resonate with your message and your content. Once you increase your fan engagement, then you can invest in effectively moving the conversation on to getting them to open their wallets and make a purchase.

Facebook marketing, after all, is no different from any other platform for marketing. You need to identify and create a strong relationship with the right audience before you can get them to invest anything with your business. If you're selling wine, after all, you don't want to be attracting people who don't drink alcohol. And if you are a family therapist, you sure don't want to be marketing to singles.

So you need to invest in building the right sort of fans for your page in order to get the highest return on your investment.

Here's the proven Facebook formula:
 1) Get the RIGHT people to your Facebook fan page
 2) Get them engaged
 3) Make sure that you're posting content that promotes engagement on a frequent basis
 4) Post occasionally with an opportunity or offer Pretty simple, isn't it? So before you invest another minute or run another ad campaign to grow your fan base for your Facebook page, make sure you're focusing on quality over quantity.

 Now that you know... put it into action: Do you want to learn how you can take your new knowledge even further?

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=D._BaerArticle Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8730956

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Friday, October 3, 2014

Google Has Stopped Trying to Make Google+ Happen

Social Network Comes Full Circle

In 2011 Google introduced its own social network to the world, one that would one day be a rival to Facebook and Twitter: Google+. With now about 540 million monthly active users, it would seem that Google+ has failed to compete with social media giant Facebook. And that number may not be entirely reliable as it also counts the Google accounts that interact with Google+, in any way.

Source: weknowmemes.com
In an attempt to make Google+ 'happen' and truly compete with Facebook Google started, and there is no other way to put this, shoving Google+ down people's throats. Essentially, Google was forcing people who have no interest whatsoever in joining the social network to sign up. This plan backfired spectacularly; Google+ became the social network people avoided at all cost. Google tried to change that, coming up with small ways to make people join: for instance, if you want to comment on a Youtube video you have to have a Google+ account. If you want to join Gmail, you have to open a Google+ account as well.

This 'making people join Google+ at all costs' policy received a lot of criticism and did nothing to help with Google+'s popularity. In an unexpected turn of events, slowly but surely, Google have decided to abandon their social network.

Source: weknowmemes.com
You no longer have to have a Google+ account when you create a Gmail and you can choose to click, like most people will, on the 'No Thanks' button. There has been no official announcement of Google's departure from Google+, but in April Vic Gundotra, who was in charge of the social network, left Google. Nowadays, you can even use Google Hangouts, one of the cooler features of Google+, without a Google+ account. More and more you can start doing things with Google services without being a part of Google+, which is a victory in itself. Hopefully the next victory, for people who use Google regularly, will be the ability to comment on Youtube with only a Youtube account again.

After only three years, Google+ can really be called a failure despite all of Google's best efforts. Will we see Google+ disappear completely from our screens in a few years time? It seems very likely, and no one will mourn its disappearance.

Laura is a recent graduate from University of East Anglia in Film and Television Studies, currently interning as a content writer but hoping to one day live off her writing. Follow her @LauraAtSMF.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Facebook Introduces Profile Completion Bar

In a move to further increase the site’s marketability, Facebook now has a profile completion bar. The bar, which can be found in the top right corner of the About tab on the user’s Timeline, displays the percentage completion of the user’s profile page.


The information displayed on a profile page informs Facebook marketers of potential targeting options. For example, last year Facebook users were asked “which city do you live in?”, the answer allowing businesses operating in the same area to target them specifically.

Both LinkedIn and Google+ already have percentage completion bars on their profile pages. Facebook’s introduction of their own completion bar comes days after they began trialling a new Collections feature, which displays many similarities to Pinterest.

Both the percentage bar and the Collections feature are believed to be moves by Facebook to increase their online marketing revenue.

Do you think Facebook Collections and the new percentage bar are good ideas?

Contact us on Twitter and Facebook, or leave your comments below.

Will Sigsworth, Content Writer
Source: http://www.socialmediafrontiers.com/2012/10/facebook-introduces-profile-completion.html#.VCqMWhY0-So