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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Social Media Branding - Facebook Vs LinkedIn

 There are more than 750 million users on Facebook but is it really the only place you can use for social media branding if you are an internet or network marketer?

 I have been using Facebook for over 3 years now to build a business online and in the early days it was a fantastic tool to use. However much has changed over those 3 years and even more has changed over the past couple of months.

I have been talking a lot about this recently with other people and we have all come to the same conclusion, Facebook doesn't want us on their site anymore!

 It has become harder and harder to post valuable content, share posts and articles or do just about anything on the site. This is fine because really Facebook was set up so you can connect with family and friends through your profile and to do business through your fan page.

Facebook has and always will be full of people spamming the next big company or product, and these people have really no idea about social media branding. To effectively use social media for marketing you need to put yourself in front of the right people.

This brings me onto LinkedIn, which in some respects is very similar to Facebook except for one big difference; there is very little spam on LinkedIn. Of course where ever you go online you will always run into people who want to push their opportunity down your throat.

But LinkedIn seems to be so much more different than Facebook. By the end of this article I will show you how different LinkedIn is to Facebook and why, if you want success online you should be connecting with people on LinkedIn.

Here are some of the reason you should use LinkedIn for your social media branding and your business.
  • Spam is frowned upon in a big way on LinkedIn, what you get away with doing on Facebook you stand little or no chance of doing on LinkedIn. People will not tolerate spam or content that has no value being posted in the groups. 
  • Almost everyone on LinkedIn is a professional of some sort, be it marketing, business owners senior manager and directors of companies. They can be found on LinkedIn which is why you must conduct yourself completely differently while using the site. 
  • The layout of the site is similar to Facebook so if you change over or start using it you will be able to work your way around the site very quickly. It has the same functions such as groups, events, messages, profiles and walls but everything is done under stricter guidelines. 
  • You will be mixing it up with people who are in your target market, other network marketers and those are the people who you will have a much better chance of building a long term relationship with than people who just spam there opportunity. People on LinkedIn are already clued and understand the importance of social media in any business. 
Now don't get me wrong, Facebook is a great place to connect and share your content. It is especially important if you own a blog for your back links but you can do all of this on LinkedIn without being hassled by people who don't understand the power of social media branding.

Using social media is only a small part of build a successful business online, you will also need to have training, support and proven marketing funnel to ensure your success. "The Secrets Behind Social Media" is the answer to your problems online.

Unfortunately most people do not understand social media branding but the training I mentioned above will give you all the tools you need to be successful with social media and marketing online.

By  Tristram Lodge Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tristram_Lodge

Friday, June 27, 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How Not to Make Your Cat Internet Famous | Mashable

What Is the Internet of Things? | Mashable Explains

Social Media Tips - Expand The Voice Of Your Business

The world of social media is ever changing and is very fast paced. To use the social sites available for your business here are some social media tips for you to get you started.
Keep reading as there's some great stuff for you if you're starting out

1. Firstly you need to be yourself on social media. Just because you are a business doesn't mean you have to be corporate. In fact, on social sites people are looking to connect with people. They want to know who is behind the business and not be faced with some faceless corporate entity.

2. Here's one of the most important tips of all. Listen to your customers. They're making the effort to be on social media. They're looking at your stuff, they're obviously interested and social sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter are fantastic sites for you to find out what they're saying. Look at their posts, read their comments, and above all else take action on what you learn. They can be your biggest advocates so treat them like real people and listen to them.

3. Social media is a long term game so you need to be patient. It takes time to build a brand, but because of the reach of social media, once you've got your name out there, it's very hard to hold back the floodgates! (If you do it properly). Give helpful tips about your niche, interact with people and that will go a long way to building and establishing your brand.

4. You need to make the most of every opportunity to get your name out on social media. There are many different social media platforms and if you're serious about building your business using social media, then try to structure your posts to the various platforms. One of the most important tips is to have a schedule of what you're going to post and stick to that schedule. That way you've got a plan of what you're going to say, it prevents you going off on tangents, and will build a better brand for you in the long term.

5. We said above that social and online media is forever changing and that means you need to be flexible. Websites change all the time, Facebook is forever changing and new players are constantly coming into the market, so you need to be nimble enough to allow for these changes. Post great content and you can't go wrong.
6. Collaborating with others is key to your success. Don't think of your competition as competition. Think of ways that you can work together to spread both brands. Social media makes companies very transparent and if you're a small business collaborating with other similar businesses is a great way to get your name visible and noticed.

7. The last of our tips is to be humble about your achievements. You need to let people know what you're doing as you can be sure your competition is doing exactly that (but read point six above!). But you don't need to blow your trumpet from the rooftops. Just be subtle and quietly let people know about what you're doing and if you treat people with respect, and show them your successes you will find your social media marketing to be much more effective.
These seven tips give you an overview about how you should treat your social interactions. You use social and online media to keep your business and brand ahead of the curve and to give yourself high visibility. Use these easy ideas to turn marketing strategies into a successful brand.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Greg_J_Scott

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Amp Up Customer Service With Social Media

When you have worked at your business long enough, you learn that it is a lot harder to gain new customers than to retain them. This is why excellent customer service is so vital. Social media offers entrepreneurs and customers another platform for engaging with one another, making it an ideal place to set up a customer service center.

Poor customer service is the top reason that consumers give when they decide to stop doing business with a company. Word of a bad experience with a brand also travels much further and wider than a good one, so it is important that you are doing all you can to be customer service superstars.
Social networks are some of the most effective arenas for businesses to provide customer service to their loyal shoppers, as well as attracting new ones.

Here are the reasons that you should be making social media a bigger part of your customer service strategy.
Get real-time feedback from your customers
Before businesses started using social networks like Facebook, the only way for a customer to get into contact with a company was through the phone. And even then, it was a long wait before actually speaking to a real-live person.

Letting your customers reach out to you through a post on your Facebook wall or a tweet or direct message gives them a faster way to contact you with questions, complaints and compliments.

Gain more trust
One of the keys to being successful in your business is being a brand that customers trust. Social media allows you to build up trust with the people who use your products. When you have customers who trust your business, you will soon see that they are happy to play the role of brand ambassador. Brand ambassadors are powerful marketing tools who will promote your brand on their own with positive reviews and word-of-mouth.

Keep customers up to speed
Some promotions and sales need to be announced quickly. This is where social networks come in handy. You can quickly and easily spread the word about an upcoming flash sale or a special discount on your website for your followers. Your fans get to stay current with what's new with your business and they get to jump on any great deals that you are posting.

Be relevant
One benefit of being active on social networks is that you get to stay up-to-date on what your customers want. You can see what they are talking about, find out what matters to them. You can use the platforms as a way to get information from them as well as to them.
Customers want to know that you are going to take the time to answer their questions, respond to any complaints, and engage with them on a real-time basis. Using social media as a part of your customer service strategy will help ensure that you are doing exactly what your customers expect.

How are you using social media to take care of your customers online?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dawn_Pigoni

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Father Sees His Oldest Son Graduate Thanks To Reddit

 Can social media help fulfil your wishes?

Many are quick to criticise the internet, saying its making us stupid, unsocial drones who are fast becoming careless but this heart-warming story from Reddit makes a refreshing change from all that pessimism and goes to show that this so-called demon of humanity isn't so evil after all.

social media generosity
Source: today.com

It started as a simple posting on Reddit from user 'branch455' about his dream of seeing his oldest son graduate from high school. On a thread from Reddit about helping people cross things off their bucket lists, he posted: " I want to see my son graduate from high school. Don't have the resources to travel the 300 miles. Graduates Friday May 30th." Due to his finances being drained on medical bills, he could not make the journey himself. What happened next proves just how incredible the internet can be.

Quickly, Reddit users were inspired into action and immediately came to the father's aid. Some users helped to secure him a cheap return journey ticket with Megabus. Another Redditor generously used his Holiday Inn points to get the him a hotel room and yet another offered to drive him from his stop in Orlando to his hotel.

Thanks to some very generous people from the world wide web, on May 30th 'branch455' got his most desired and treasured wish: to see his son graduate. The happy father later posted pictures online of the time he spent with both of his sons. His oldest son and new graduate said that the news of his dad's expected arrival 'means a lot to him'.

In the pictures of him and his son was one of a piece of paper that read: 'Thanks Reddit' with a drawing of the Reddit logo.
social media generosity
Source: BuzzFeed.com

See, the internet isn't always a bad place.

Is Emma Thompson Wrong About Social Media?

 Oscar winner shares unsavoury thoughts on social media

Hollywood actress Emma Thompson revealed in an interview with Vanity Fair that social media is killing a generation. She clearly has very strong views on the most popular way to communicate, but is she right in her extreme opinion?

social media influence on movies
Source: variety.com

The two-time Oscar winner says that she would “rather have root canal treatment for the rest of my life than join Twitter,” and would prefer “putting my head in the toilet and flushing it repeatedly” to Googling herself.

The 55-year-old actress later reveals that social media is destructive to society as a whole: “Listen, I’d rather have root canal treatment FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE than join Twitter. That’s not my scene at all. I can’t bear the thought of being connected all the time. God knows what it’s doing to us. I hope that everyone does realise that we are all just one giant human experiment at the moment. We are just a great big bunch of little gerbils on wheels.”

Thompson shares her opinion with a lot of people despite the increasing popularity, and it is clear that she is a non user of such networks. It makes her argument a difficult one to follow in a sense, as she has no experience as to what social media can achieve in society.

To a degree, she is right, and far too many people are allowing social media to dictate their lives, but where Thompson blames social media itself, the real blame lies at the individuals door. It is all about consumption, and like anything, if you consume too much, you will see the negative impact as opposed to the benefits.

Thompson’s attitude is one of someone who does not posses the education in that specific field also, and if she had done her research instead of launching an attack from the off, then she would see the picture in a more rounded fashion. Recent campaigns on Twitter including the Stephen Sutton story and the search for Gareth Huntley show that there is an intelligent community online who strive to help others, whilst utilising the tools given to prosper for themselves also. With these possibilities in place, why would anyone bypass such a tool?

social media influence on movies
Source: socialstrategy.com

Emma Thompson cannot see past the obsessive folk who refuse to put their phone down, and struggle engaging in any type of dialogue which doesn't include a device or a hashtag. What she doesn't see is the positive things that are born out of social media campaigns, and also how social media helps the film industry. With the help of networking platforms, the film industry has pushed marketing to a new level, and through this cinema has been born again. Ironically Thompson is a part of the film industry that sees the benefits out of social media, and she starred in a film for Disney, who also launched one of the biggest social media campaigns ever for their successful animated movie Frozen.

Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and Thompson has never held back when expressing hers, one can only feel that she has gone in too hard in this social media argument, and she has missed some vital points when developing her argument. Social media is popular for a very good reason, and that reason is because it helps people from all over the globe connect with each other. In a time where cultural differences are high, social media could be that form of communication that allows different groups to respect one another, and the last thing we all need is an A lister shouting negative, uncooked arguments about a tool so important for the development of society.


Your Google Searches May Help Decide Your Facebook Ads


Marketers can now use search engine queries to better target their Facebook ads.
Image: Mashable, Karissa Bell
Marketers are now able to take keywords from your search query on Google (or Yahoo or Bing) and use that information to offer you more targeted ads in your Facebook feed.

That's thanks to ad technology created by Facebook ad partner Kenshoo Social. Kenshoo's technology is still in beta, but won't be for long. The company says that many of its clients should have access to the service in the coming weeks.

If you click on an ad that results from a search query, marketers can use Kenshoo to pick out keywords from your searches to better target you on the social network.

For example, if you search for "red running shoes" on Bing and click on a Nike ad that surfaces, Nike will recognize the keyword that surfaced that ad (probably "shoes") and then send you shoe-related ads on Facebook, too.

Previously, companies could target Facebook users that visited their sites with ads based on their interests on the social network. But the new technology offers up the search keyword that resulted in the site visit, something that was previously unavailable to marketers.

In other words, companies don't just know you visited their website, they know what you searched for that led you there. And now they can follow up with you on Facebook.

"For the first time, there's a gateway, there's a bridge between [search data and social data]," says Doug Chavez, global head of marketing research and content at Kenshoo. "Search, whether it's Google or Bing or Yahoo, is a massive data base of consumer intent that has largely gone untapped" by social media.

Facebook and Kenshoo worked together on the technology, but their partnership is not exclusive, according to a Facebook spokesperson. That means other marketing companies (and Kenshoo competitors) could build similar tools, a move that would still benefit Facebook.

Kenshoo's tool works by matching up anonymous Internet cookies from Facebook and the search engine, but user queries are not scanned in full. Nike, for example, would not be able to read every word you typed into your search query; the company only gets to see the specific keyword that triggered the ad.

"If you're providing a better experience for me, or helping me get a better product at a better price or get better information, consumers are generally pretty fine with that," says Chavez. "I don't see this as big brother at all."

Kenshoo is also a Twitter Ads API Partner, but wouldn't say whether similar technology is in the works for Twitter marketers.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

LinkedIn's New Profile Design Takes a Hint From Facebook and Twitter

Image: Mashable composite, Linkedin
The professional network is rolling out a new profile design for its premium members Wednesday, a new look that includes a larger profile photo and a customizable header image that spans the width of the screen. Users can either upload their own image, or select from a gallery of header images provided by LinkedIn.

The new look is similar in style to other major social networks like Facebook and Twitter, which are becoming more visual in their designs. Twitter began rolling out its new design in April, and just recently completed the transition for all users last week.

LinkedIn's new profiles are only available for premium members right now. The rest of LinkedIn's members — those using the service for free — are expected to get the new look in "a few months," according to a company blog post.
LinkedIn's new profile design.

LinkedIn's new profile design (top) is more visual and looks more like similar profiles on Facebook and Twitter.
Image: LinkedIn
New profiles weren't the only update premium members received on Wednesday. The new design was part of a larger suite of tools added to the premium service, including enhancements to how premium users appear in search results.
Premium users can now pick from a set of personalized keywords to add to their account in hopes of showing up more frequently in search, and when they do, their profiles will be twice as large as members who are using LinkedIn's free service. LinkedIn has 300 million registered users, and "a little competitive edge can go a long way," the company wrote on its blog.
Premium users can now add keywords to their profile.
Premium users can now add keywords to their profile in hopes of appearing in more search results.
Image: linkedin
Premium users can also set their profile to "open," a setting that will allow them to receive messages and make their profile visible to anyone on the platform. Premium members could previously opt-in to this feature, but now it will come standard with premium subscriptions (users can always opt out). Unlike the profile redesign, these other features are exclusively for premium members.

Wednesday's announcement places a greater emphasis on paid memberships. LinkedIn also announced a new premium service called Premium Spotlight, a much cheaper version of the premium membership with fewer perks. The company is calling it a "starter package."

Paying members have always received superior service on the platform, but membership fees are the smallest of LinkedIn's three revenue streams, making up just 20% of total revenue in Q1. LinkedIn makes the bulk of its revenue from an area of its business known as Talent Solutions, the recruiting side of the service for businesses posting jobs and seeking qualified candidates. Talent Solutions makes up close to 60% of LinkedIn's revenue.

As LinkedIn continues to grow — and competition for jobs and visibility on the platform increases — it's likely the paid membership portion of LinkedIn's business will grow as well. Adding new features to distinguish paid memberships from free ones will be important for the company moving forward.
LinkedIn's new profiles will be available to premium members beginning Wednesday. Others interested in receiving the profile early can request one here.

Have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments.


Myspace Uses Surprising New Tactics To Win Back Old Users

 Remember us at Myspace?

You may remember the old social media haunt, Myspace from way back in the noughties when it sported its garish looks but now it’s making a comeback... and it’s coming straight for users inboxes. Yes, you read that correct. In a bid to bring the old times back and save itself from the grasps of certain doom, the social network has started sending its dormant users’ old pics of themselves to their inbox with the cheeky tagline; “The good, the rad and the what were you thinking,” in a somewhat desperate bid to get them logging back in.

Myspace social network
Source: myspace.com

This move comes as the company desperately tries to revamp and rework its image since its new takeover in 2011, when singer Justin Timberlake took a stake in the company along with ad agency, Specific Media. The network has struggled since losing its edge over Facebook back in 2005 and with its questionable blackmailing attempt to get users back, it seems like the site is setting itself up for a further fall.
The site was snapped up in 2005 by media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s company, News Corp for a whopping $580 million however this proved fruitless and ended up in it’s resale in 2011 for a noticeably smaller sum of $35 million dollars. Since then, there have been countless attempts to relaunch the site and regain interest but to no avail until this latest cheeky attempt which seems to almost force the user’s hand by using the cringe-factor and trying to get in on the new ‘throwback’ bandwagon.
Myspace social network
They are attempting to relaunch in a massively saturated market, a market which has changed dramatically in the years since Myspace was knocking about on the web. One clear and unmistakable change is that of the power share in the social networking environment. Even it’s old rival, Facebook, is facing potential problems with a reported fall in user interest thanks to other apps such as WhatsApp and WeChat. And Facebook’s rival? The social juggernaut, Twitter. With a total average of over 600 million registered users sending out 58 million tweets in a single day, there is no mistaking the sheer domination of this microblogging social machine.
So with this is mind, Myspace needs to up its game considerably if they fancy their chances against the likes of Twitter. New owners, Justin Timberlake and Chris and Tim Vanderhook, have took to the site’s defence saying that it aims to be “a social network for the creative community to connect to their fans” and to have a bigger focus on both signed and unsigned musical talent.
Myspace social network
Source: myspace.com

However, with a controversial new campaign to add to their already fragile image, as well as a tagline of ‘the good, the rad and the what were you thinking’, Myspace may have to face the inevitable question of ‘what were you thinking?’ for themselves.


FIFA Invites Everyone To Its Global Stadium

 Billions of football fans share their excitement!

Weeks after Sony's release of “One Stadium Live, a brand new digital platform tailor-made for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil, FIFA is also introducing its own social media hub, in order to keep all football fans around the world connected.

Brazil FIFA World Cup
Source: fifa.com

The 20th FIFA World Cup begins on June 12th, and FIFA has now added a new feature to its official website called "Global Stadium", where smartphone-wielding football fans will have access to real-time content of each of the 64 matches, while they will also be able to communicate with other fans, players and coaches around the globe.
Brazil FIFA World Cup
Source: fifa.com

Through 'Global Stadium', fans and football supporters will have the chance to win the official kick-off ball of the match they follow, and vote for their 'Man of the Match', honouring the best-performing player (or players) of the game.

Brazil FIFA World Cup
Source: facebook.com
FIFA has invigorated its onlince presence, with their World Cup social media accounts now reaching 18.5 million 'Likes' on Facebook and now boosting almost 900,000 followers on Twitter, and the official FIFA.com site being optimised for mobile. FIFA will be using the '#WorldCup' and '#JoinIn' hashtags on Twitter, while it will also introduce hashtags for every game specifically.
Walter De Gregorio, FIFA Director of Communications & Public Affairs, explained: “We aim to provide an all-round digital companion so that billions of fans can join in and share their excitement. Only the World Cup and digital can create this worldwide conversation.”

It seems that football fans around the world who wish to follow the World Cup will have no shortage of digital platforms to communicate; and previous experiences of real-time communication during global sports events, like the London Olympics 2012 or the latest Super Bowl, guarantee that every social-minded small business or major corporation will not spare the chance to take part in this chatter!

Stay tuned!


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Social Media Tips - Expand Your Organic Reach

 Maximize without overusing social media

Many laughed off the idea of social media becoming a prominent ingredient in the day-to-day lives of many, but here we are living in a digital age, and there’s no going back. Social media has ensured that we now live in a world that enables us to connect with distant family members at the click of a button, whilst taking care of business related problems in a more comfortable environment. People spend an awful lot of time on social media and the ease in which business owners can reach millions of users makes it easy to understand why marketing has jumped into the opportunity pit that is social network.

social media marketing
Source: getyoursiterank.com
Social media marketing is now huge, and the principles behind it are very simple: you make your product(s) available in varied social media websites by creating a page or a profile for it. The point is to attract attention and gain traffic to spread awareness of your product, and once this has been done, more sales can be made in the long run. Attention can be measured by the number of likes and shares on Facebook, or the number of followers on TwitterSocial media marketing is now very popular for businesses as it is cost efficient, and if executed well, can increase the brand’s recognition and sales. Despite the simplicity of social media marketing, there are still a number of ways to ensure that it becomes a metaphorical car crash. To ensure that none of this happens, identify the fine line between maximization and overuse, as you must maximize your market, but do not overuse it or else the consequences could be dire.


There are many dangers with social media marketing, with the biggest one being that it does not have a clear strategy at times. The plan should not be born out of simply creating an online profile of your product. There needs to be a specific plan on how you plan to set up the profile, and what is going to be in it exactly. This includes what kind of information there will be on it, what image you are going to post, and how you are going to portray your brand to the world. Identify the product’s strengths and the potential audience that you plan to targetSocial media throws up all kinds of people, so you have to be specific about your target market, as you cannot expect everyone to be excited about your product. After identifying your target audience, strategise your content to ensure that they will be interested, and this means establishing photos to post, write-ups, and telling them what gimmicks will work for your product.
An immediate increase in shares and likes may not immediately translate into sales, but if you carefully target your market, it just might. You need to analyse your online activity by evaluating data on sales and try to find the translation from online marketing to actual sales. If the strategy isn’t working, then change it in accordance to what the issue is, and if you don’t, then your whole business will suffer.
social media marketing
Source: huxo.co.uk

Don’t overuse social media

The success that social media can bring to a company is so remarkable, that it can easily be overused. Don’t forget that users react to your online presence as soon as they see it, and judge you upon your content. It is in this process that they will make it clear as to whether they want to invest or not. Do not overuse the luxury of social media by being too present in many networking sites, and also avoid pop-ups as most people find them absolutely infuriating. Make your product available online, but not too available that people just want to get rid of it. Control the number of sites you appear on sensibly, and people will be intrigued.

Social media marketing is very easy to get right, and when you do, it will produce positive results for the business; but if you get it wrong, there could be catastrophic consequences for the company. Follow the advice above to ensure that you keep a fine balance of usage across all social media platforms.


Iran Launch War Against Social Media

 What's the real story?

It seems that not everyone is in favour of a world heavily influenced by social media, and Iran in particular have taken actions to make sure that social media does not take a hold in their country. The Iranian leadership have now banned Instagram, and this was after they banned Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

social media and politics
Social: foreignpolicyblogs.com
Not surprisingly, Iran are very active on these and other social media platforms, and this is to spread their message across the globe, and let everyone know what their agenda is. A fine example of this was the famous phone call between US President Obama and Iranian President Rouhani. The call took place as Rouhani departed the United Nations following his appearance at the General Assembly. Following the conversation, which turned out to be the watershed for the US/Iranian dialogue, the entire content of the conversation was tweeted by none other than the Iranian President.

This type of behaviour online is pure politics and indoctrination. Iran’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad Zarif, is very active online, particularly when he is in negotiations with the P5+1 on the nuclear issue when a deadline approaches. He manipulates the media and world opinion through his Twitter account, and this is the way that politics is heading. Of course, the words posted are under Zarif’s name, but it is his team who are typing the messages. Further to this, these messages are not meant for the citizens of Iran, but the rest of the world, as they are not legally allowed to view the content.

Despite the vigorous efforts by the Iranian government, they have not been able to effectively stop all citizens from using social media. Together with international hackers, they have been able to find ways around the ban.
social media and politics
Source: ieet.org

Just a few years ago, the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, determined that the cyber world was so out of control in Iran that he created a special agency to combat cyber invasion. The agency’s job was to protect Iran from cyber attacks, and to halt the culture attacks that were infecting the Iranian youth. The agency recruited some of the most talented young people in Iran and now, two years down the line, Iran is a serious player in the hacking world.

Recently, the Iranian News Agency, IRNA, quoted the President saying “We should see the cyber world as an opportunity.”  He then said, “Why are we so shaky? Why don’t we trust our youth?” In the country, he is viewed as weak, and even viewed as a liberal Westerner by some. The statements were seen as a symbol of his failure.

Iran has a fascinating relationship with social media, and one that seems to be filled with both love and hate. It is a worrying prospect for many people that politicians are willing to use social media in order to indoctrinate and promote themselves, but not allow the general public to use it. This proves just how useful a tool social media is, as they want to utilise the positives but are scared of the consequences if the citizens get their hands on it.


The Most Annoying People On Social Media

 Irritating social media updates

Social media is great for many reasons. It can help businesses thrive in economic hardship, and keep families connected from other sides of the globe. Despite the positives, there are some really annoying people on social media, and here are just a few.

annoying social media updates
Source: vitamincontent.com

Quote hoarder

This person will not accept that anything is worth talking about unless it is up in quotations following by a caption that reads ‘Mother Teresa’ or ‘Ghandi.’ Now whilst these figures were hugely inspirational for many, they are popping up all too often on many Facebook timelines, and people need to remember that thinking for yourself will do you no harm whatsoever. Facebook has become an amalgamation of quotes gone by, and they are usually accompanied by a picture of the figure in question looking as if they are deep in thought.
Annoyance rating: 8/10

The exaggerator

This sounds rather like the title of a terrible Adam Sandler movie, but these folks who commit this crime are far more annoying than Hollywood’s least funny leading man. If you are prone to bending the truth on occasions, then Facebook might not be the best place to do it. 4.9% of people say that they find people who exaggerate too much the most annoying of all. Next time that spider the size of a hippo enters your bedroom, reconsider the comparison before hitting the web.
Annoyance rating: 7/10

The Arguer

Be it religion, politics, the way to raise a child, or whether Coronation Street is better than Eastenders, this person will find a way of enforcing their input in the most forceful way possible. Usually accompanied by a profile picture that shows that veins protruding out of the side of their temple, this person will search their timeline looking for something they can belittle or contradict. They can be located by looking for posts that contain over 20 comments, but I’d stay well clear.
Annoyance rating: 8/10

The Candy Crush pest

Everybody has heard of Candy Crush, and personally if I wanted to play it, I would have by now. With this said, why do I currently have 4 invitations on Facebook to join the Candy Crush Saga community? 10% of people are offended by the regular requests that they get from friends to play games on Facebook, but this won’t stop the committed folks who commit to such games as Candy Crush, FarmVille and Mafia Wars. There is no easy way to avoid these people, as they are usually quite aggressive in their tactics. They will not stop until you are herding virtual cattle, and moving digital sweets around on your computer screen.
Annoyance rating: 9/10

The chef

It is the fuel that keeps us going throughout the day, and I for one love it: food. What I don’t love is pictures of people’s undercooked roast dinners on a Sunday afternoon. If you are the type of person that is regularly posting pictures of your beans on toast or spaghetti bolognaise then 11.8% of people think you’ve gone too far.
annoying social media updates
Source: nigeltaylor1.com

Annoyance rating: 8/10

The traveller

The world is beautiful, if you take it in. The traveller will keep you updated with all the little details of their trip to the other side of the world in an attempt to make you feel jealous. Often the traveller can be identified usually in a photo that delivers fantastic scenery, and an ambiguous pair of upper thighs to let you know that they are there. 15.8% of people have absolutely no interest in what flavoured cocktail you’re sipping whilst they are back home at work.
Annoyance rating: 9/10

The baby bore

It starts with an announcement, it then moves onto the scan picture, and in no time you are knee deep in pictures of a new-born child. After the initial pictures, the baby bore will then inform you of every movement their child makes, and you too will feel like the parent, as you assess their childhood development closely. 13.1% of people seem to think that seeing multiple pictures of a little baby each day is far too much, and this means we have a winner folks.
Annoyance rating: 10/10 

These are the most annoying people on social media, and if you’re not careful, you could be a victim.


Social Media Tips - Managing Social Media From Your Mobile Phone

 Is your social media marketing smartphone friendly?

An accelerated form of modernity is here, and this means that time is ticking, and it’s worth too much to waste, so managing your social media via your mobile phone is crucial in the pursuit of success. Life moves at lightning speed, but social media moves even faster, so being able to manage your social media marketing on the go will move your company to the next level.
smartphone and social media marketing
Source: cubiccreative.com
There are many tools via mobile stores that can help you achieve your goals, and once you master these apps, social media will be as easy as making a simple phone call. Here are just a few of the key apps you should be looking at.


Twitter is an obvious one for business, as you can tweet text, photos and videos easily from your phone. This makes it a crucial app for anyone who wishes to advertise or connect with customers via social media. It is great for those who manage more than one account also, and multiple accounts can be stored and accessed at once. The search bar in the app also looks for trending topics so that you can make your content relevant to what the world is talking about.

Pages Manager

Keeping on top of your brand pages on Facebook can be difficult and time consuming, but the Pages Manager app simplifies and expidites this process.  This app makes it easy to stay in touch with activities happening over multiple pages at once. In addition to viewing all of your content, you can post updates, photos, and links, plus respond to comments made by others. As well as all this, you can view and reply to private messages, making it a must for all businesses who use Facebook.


Instagram is becoming one of the most popular social media apps, and for good reason. Not only can you post photos with ease, using a host of custom filters, but you can also share instantly across your other social media platforms. This makes it a marketers dream, as it saves the time of posting the same photo over and over again on each of the platforms.


Buffer is a great all-rounder, and fantastic for sharing all of your social media content; share to Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn all from one place. The most popular feature on buffer is the content schedule, where you can have multiple articles or photos ready to share, and Buffer will schedule the content over the next few hours or days.
smartphone and social media marketing
Source: onbile.com


Bitly is the go-to app for link shortening. You simply copy and paste your link into the designated filed, and you will be provided with a clean, shorter version of the one you put in. Additionally, you can customise how your new link will lookBitly crucially provides analytics showing click counts, link activity, and geographic locations. From here you can organise and share your shortened links using its bundles feature.


Zite is a smart magazine that helps you find the things that you or more importantly your audience would like to read. It is a great way of leisurely connecting with your audience, and the more you read, the more Zite learns what you like and provides updated reading material. From here it is simple to connect and share articles to your other social media platforms.

These are just a few crucial apps that will help you manage your social media business on the go. Many companies now realise that mobile connectivity is the future of social networking due to how busy people are in both their work and private lives. With the right management, you could be thriving in the sphere of social media marketing
